Building Starts! Whats Happening when?

Building Timeline

Now the foundations are complete, things will really start to move over the next few weeks. Here’s a brief timeline of what happens next – it’s all subject to change as we progress, but this is a good starting point.

21st July
The first set of external panels will arrive at Manor Fruit Farm.

25th – 28th July
The main build begins. Timbers and panels will arrive on very large lorries and be craned into position. Building the skeleton of the building will take only two or three days.
But don’t get too excited, there’s still a lot to do …

1st August
Scaffolding to be erected to enable internal and external build to be carried out. Just erecting the scaffolding will take a week or two.

Mid to end of August/early Sept
The internal structure of the building will be completed. The building will be clad with the fibre cement ‘timbers’ and the roof will be tiled. From this point, the building is watertight and ready for fit-out.
External works can now be carried out – this includes levelling the ground and laying paving and putting up external fixtures including the cycle shelter.

September onwards
The internal fit-out will be carried out – this includes, plumbing, plastering, electrical, etc. We don’t have an exact timescale yet as we’re still awaiting responses from potential suppliers.

November onwards
It’s only once the ‘fit-out’ stage is completed that we will be able to do all the preparatory work we need to carry out – finalising the fixtures and fittings, recruiting and training volunteers (yes, we need you to volunteer!) and generally getting ready for opening. 

Realistically, it’s going to be sometime in the New Year for the shop and cafe to be up and running fully, but we’ll do all we can to make it available as soon as we can.

Thank you for all your support. Please be patient as we progress through the build phase – we’re committed to getting it as right as we can first time!

The Community Shop and Cafe Management Committee