Shop: Monday to Saturday 9am to 530pm (Sat closes at 4pm)
Full Cafe Menu: Monday to Saturday 9am to 2pm. Coffee Shop continues after full cafe closes until 4pm.

Welcome to the Normandy Village Shop & Café

Welcome to The Normandy Village Shop & Café website.  If you haven’t already heard, the shop and café project was awarded a YourFund Surrey Council grant for over £500,000. These funds combined with the monies raised through our Share Offer of £96,000, meant that the community’s dream of having its own shop and café have now come true and they are now both open!

There are nine people on the committee who form the group of directors. We have also been lucky to have other villagers who are currently supporting us with the shop and café design and accounting. We’re always looking for people to work with us – there’s so much to do!

We want you to join us on the final part of this journey. We are reviewing the website so that our progress is easy to follow, and you can send in your suggestions or ‘must-have’ produce at the push of a button.

Latest News​

First Anniversary

On the 29th June, we were proud to celebrate the first anniversary of our opening. Last year we began by open ending the café three

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Our Vision

Our vision is that we provide a shop and café which is owned by our community, managed by our community, for the benefit of our community. It will be a fresh, attractive and environmentally friendly focal point for the village.

We aim to sell local produce alongside everyday items to cater for your household day to day needs and to also provide those special treats!

As well as this, we provide a community meeting place that welcomes all our customers, whether they be residents or any of the many other visitors to the village, typically including running and walking groups, cyclists and dog walkers. from around the Guildford area and from further afield.

What is a Community Shop?

Community shops differ from normal retail shops in that they are owned by the community, run by the community and for the benefit of the community. That means that, rather than aiming to make profit for a retail organisation, they run to keep the store and cafe open and to pass on any additional profit to support other projects for the community. So, when you invest in a community shop, and use the shop and café, you are not only keeping the business going but you’re helping yourselves and your neighbours in supporting valuable local facilities.

As with many community shops and pubs, we are members of the Plunkett Foundation, who have been working with rural communities since 1919, and who have helped in establishing many of the community shops that exist today in the UK.

You can find out more about them on the Plunkett Foundation website  www.plunkett.com

Did you know we are now part of a huge family of over 370 community shops in the UK!